“Cities as the Heavens of This Earth,” from the Introduction, Hustling Is Not Stealing: 45-62. <PDF>
“A Bad Sickness,” an excerpt from Hustling Is Not Stealing. Introduction by Benj DeMott. First of the Month 4, no. 1 (6.1.2002), 17-19 <PDF>
“Issahaku and the Fulani Thieves,” from Exchange Is Not Robbery: 214-21. <PDF>
“Tales of Groove,” from Exchange Is Not Robbery: 232-42. <PDF>
“William and Abena,” an excerpt from Hustling Is Not Stealing. Introduction by Benj DeMott. First of the Month 6, no. 1 (winter 2004), 15-17. <PDF>
“A Nice Prison in Togo,” from Hustling Is Not Stealing: 402-40. <PDF>
“The Big Fight in the Family,” from Exchange Is Not Robbery: 197-213. <PDF>